New standards for Ótima Gráfica with our DCH200 27-02-2024

New standards for Ótima Gráfica with our DCH200

Over the past 38 years, Ótima Gráfica has illuminated the Brazilian landscape with its extraordinary line of graphic and printing products. Based in Curitiba and led by Erasto Farias, the company stands out for producing a wide range of high-quality products.But what makes Ótima so renowned?

The answer is simple: a commitment to excellence. The company has emerged as one of the top ten most awarded in Brazil, with numerous accolades confirming its leadership in the industry.

However, Ótima's success is not solely attributed to the quality of its products but also to its constant pursuit of innovation. Recently, the company tackled the challenge of increasing production while maintaining high-quality standards.The solution? The DCH200, the first machine of its kind to be introduced in Brazil.The DCH200 is a versatile machine designed to meet the most demanding production needs, offering Ótima the flexibility necessary to maintain its leadership in the printing market while providing added value to its products.

Thanks to the expertise of SCS technicians, Ótima Gráfica has successfully integrated the DCH200 into its production process, ensuring its customers the same quality and reliability that have made them a benchmark in the industry.